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    Friday, May 19, 2023

    How Banking is Changing in 2023: Five Key Trends


    Due to a number of causes, including technology advancements, changing consumer expectations, and regulatory pressures, the banking business is undergoing a profound shift. Financial institutions need to develop a new attitude and a new method of working if they want to prosper in this new era of banking. FICO has identified five key trends that are transforming the financial services industry and the banking customer experience based on our talks with various stakeholders over the past year. An overview of each trend may be found here:

    Intelligence Applied: The New Competitive Advantage Both technology and consumer demands are changing quickly. You need more than just data and knowledge to be a leader in today's industry; you also need to put it to use. Using real-time insights to make decisions in real-time is known as applied intelligence. It entails tearing down organizational silos and linking people, systems, and technology. Instead of aiming for a single victory, it entails creating a system that supports ongoing success. Financial institutions now compete on criteria other than just cost and terms. Emotional intelligence is becoming more and more important as technology gets more pervasive. The credit unions and banks that can be more humane will prosper. Advanced analytics, decision-making models, artificial intelligence (AI), and human wisdom are all components of applied intelligence. in a single, adaptable platform, integrated. As a result, a low-code/no-code environment is created that enables business users to specify strategies and rules, test them, keep track of them, and make adjustments without the need for IT assistance. With applied intelligence, you can improve every element of your business, including systems and processes, collaboration, culture, interactions, and customer experiences that surpass industry standards.

    AI Use in a Responsible Way: The Moral Obligation The way we live, work, and play is changing as a result of artificial intelligence. In many different areas, including banking and financial services, it is increasingly being used to inform strategy and choices. The problem is that a lot of businesses are employing AI at high risk. In fact, 65% of businesses are unable to describe the specific decisions or forecasts made by an AI model. In addition, 78% of businesses lack an AI ethics board to make sure the moral ramifications of utilizing new AI are adequately taken into account. This seriously jeopardizes the consumers' safety and well-being as well as the confidence and reputation of financial institutions. For this reason, banks and credit unions must responsibly deploy AI in 2023. Making sure AI models are visible, comprehensible, fair, accountable, and safe is essential for their responsible use. It entails using moral standards and industry best practices when creating and implementing AI solutions. It entails routinely monitoring and assessing AI performance and results. Additionally, it entails including a variety of parties and viewpoints in the governance of AI. Responsible AI use offers both a moral obligation and a tactical gain. Financial institutions can use it to increase consumer loyalty, adhere to rules, protect their reputations, and confidently innovate.

    Platform ecologies: A fresh approach to business Business models in the banking sector are changing from being product-centric to becoming customer-centric. Customers increasingly demand more from their banks and credit unions than just financial products and services. They anticipate customized, smooth, and practical interactions that cater to their requirements and preferences across a variety of contexts and channels. Financial institutions must embrace platform ecosystems, which are networks of connected partners who provide complementary goods and services to a single customer base, in order to meet these expectations. Platform ecosystems give financial organizations the ability to broaden their product lines, penetrate new markets, develop fresh sources of income, and improve customer loyalty. Additionally, they allow financial institutions to benefit from the skills and knowledge of their associates, including fintech, retailers, telcos, and social media platforms.

    The New Norm Is Customer-Centricity The banking sector is going through a revolution focused on the client. Today's consumers have more options, information, and power than ever before. They are loyal to experiences more than products. Personalized solutions are preferred by them over generic products. They are active co-creators rather than passive recipients. Financial institutions must prioritize their consumers in order to win and keep them in this new reality. Understanding consumers' needs, wants, behaviors, and preferences in-depth is the definition of customer-centricity. It entails creating goods and services that benefit consumers' lives and address their concerns. Delivering consistent, practical, and interesting experiences at all points of contact is what is meant. Additionally, it entails enabling customers to contribute to the value contribute suggestions and ideas during the creation process. consumer-centricity promotes innovation and growth in addition to increasing consumer satisfaction and loyalty.

    Risk Management: A New Chance In 2023, the financial sector will see never-before-seen levels of risk and uncertainty. The COVID-19 epidemic has disturbed society and the global economy, presenting new opportunities and challenges to financial institutions. Banks and credit unions are required to abide by changing laws and regulations due to the complex and dynamic regulatory environment. The social and environmental challenges are growing more serious and relevant, putting more pressure on banks and credit unions to operate responsibly and sustainably. At the same time, the cyber threat landscape is becoming more complex and diverse, exposing financial institutions to potential attacks and breaches. Financial institutions must take a proactive, all-encompassing approach to risk management in order to manage these risks and uncertainties. Identification, evaluation, mitigation, and monitoring of risks and dangers present in the company. To improve risk detection, prevention, and resolution, advanced analytics, AI, and automation must be used. It entails matching risk tolerance and strategy to organizational goals and stakeholder expectations. Additionally, it entails changing governance and risk culture to promote risk awareness and accountability. Risk management gives financial organizations a competitive edge and a chance to provide value in addition to protecting them against losses and liabilities.

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